LONDON - To better reflect the nature of its members’ activities and to strengthen its position in the chemicals supply chain, the UK-based Alliance of Industry Associations (AIA), which was formed in 1991, has decided on a new name and logo. The association has renamed itself the Alliance of Chemical Associations.

The alliance consists of trade associations representing companies operating in many sectors of the chemical industry supply chain, from the manufacture and distribution of chemicals to their use for products such as plastics, paint and cosmetics.

Between them, the ACA member trade associations represent some 1,200 companies, the majority of which are SMEs, which, combined, in the UK have an annual turnover of £28 billion and employ 75,000 people.

The ACA’s objective is to represent the interests of companies operating in the chemicals supply chain by providing a forum for member associations to discuss issues of common interest and to formulate agreed positions, sharing the expertise and knowledge of the member associations, streamlining and coordinating advocacy activities, and liaising with other industry associations and organizations.

Peter Newport, the newly elected Chairman of the ACA and CEO of the Chemical Business Association, said, “The UK chemical industry supply chain is a national strength, and ACA fully intends to protect and develop the industries within it. We shall further develop our close contact with government and, through our individual members, continue to be represented on its UK Chemicals Stakeholder Forum and Chemicals Regulatory Forum.  We have offered assistance to the Chemistry Growth Partnership. We shall make more use of expert working groups to tackle key issues.”