GAINESVILLE, TX - IFS Coatings announced the launch of an E-book covering practical tips and advice on every aspect of powder coating. The first few chapters can be found in the news section of under “Guides.” The E-book is 12 chapters in total and will be made available on a weekly basis on the IFS Coatings Facebook page. It provides practical information on a huge range of powder coating topics, for powder coaters of all types and sizes.

The E-book is designed to provide instant access to problem solving, FAQs, real-life advice and tips from the experts. Just some of the many topics covered include information on the various powder types, application issues, two-coat powder systems, spraying metallics and what to watch out for, appearance issues, what causes them and how to solve it, and much more.

The first four chapters of the E-book are available on and more will be delivered on the IFS Facebook page on a weekly basis. Connect with IFS on Facebook to receive the full E-book as a whole.