CHICAGO - U.S. manufacturers generated record business-to-business (B2B) ecommerce sales in 2019, growing their combined web sales by about 21% to $430.0 billion, according to the 2020 B2B Manufacturing Report, a newly released research report from Digital Commerce 360.

But then came the global COVID-19 pandemic. In seemingly just a few months, the coronavirus shut down big portions of the $21 trillion U.S. economy and changed the course of B2B ecommerce and manufacturing.

The emergence of COVID-19 on top of existing challenges is accelerating the pace of B2B ecommerce, creating digital winners and losers among manufacturers in its wake. The manufacturers who win will do so by finding the new opportunities in that shift, according to the 2020 B2B Manufacturing Report.

The newly published 2020 B2B Manufacturing Report includes in-depth data and analysis on the present and future trends that impact manufacturing and B2B ecommerce.

Key highlights of the report include:

  • An overview of current challenges facing U.S. manufacturers because of COVID-19 and examples of success strategies to overcome them;
  • Insights on the new purchasing behavior of business buyers;
  • Six detailed case studies on how manufacturers such as Dell and Unilever are pivoting to prioritize ecommerce;
  • A manufacturer’s playbook for dealing with COVID-19 and finding new business opportunities online; and
  • Commentary and advice from top B2B consultants.

The 2020 B2B Manufacturing Report provides the entire industry a chance to read the scorecard, update their digital strategies, and expand in ecommerce in a big way — or get left behind.

Click here to purchase the 2020 B2B Manufacturing Report.