WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is increasing the type and amount of information it collects on commercial chemicals from chemical manufacturers. The improved rule, known as the chemical data reporting rule (CDR), also requires that companies submit the information electronically to EPA, rather than on paper, and limits confidentiality claims by companies.
The CDR rule, which falls under the Toxic Substances Control Act inventory update rule (IUR), requires more frequent reporting of critical information on chemicals and requires the submission of new and updated information relating to potential chemical exposures, current production volume, manufacturing site-related data, and processing and use-related data for a larger number of chemicals. EPA is requiring companies to submit the information through the Internet, using EPA’s electronic reporting tool.
Companies will be required to start following the new reporting requirements in the next data submission period, which will occur February 1, 2012 to June 30, 2012.
More information about the CDR Rule and reporting program is available atwww.epa.gov/iur.