ST. LOUIS, MO - Carboline Co., St. Louis, MO, has acquired an existing 184,500-square-foot building in Dayton, NV, for the purpose of manufacturing and distributing high-performance industrial coatings to support its customers in the western United States and throughout the world. The facility could create up to 60 new jobs over the next several years, once it reaches full production.

Carboline expects to invest several million dollars in modifications to the building to accommodate manufacturing and comply with all regulatory codes. The facility is slated for production by September 2012.

Founded in 1947, Carboline is a global manufacturer and supplier of high-performance coatings, linings and fireproofing products for the protection and beautification of steel and concrete substrates from corrosion and fire damage. Its products are widely used by industrial, commercial and architectural industries where long-term asset protection is a high priority.