BETHESDA, MD – The Adhesive and Sealant Council (ASC) has developed a new program designed to foster industry responses to legislative and regulatory issues impacting the adhesive and sealant sector:  The ASC Rapid Response Team.

The ASC Rapid Response Team is made up of between one to three individuals at each member company. Their mission is to respond to regulatory alerts issued by the council via letters developed by the regulatory affairs team and issued via the newly created ASC Action Alert Center. The grassroots program is a new initiative for the council and is part of its proactive regulatory affairs strategy to support the industry.

“The ASC Rapid Response Team is a dedicated set of industry professionals who stand ready and willing to respond to a call for action when ASC determines an industry response is appropriate or critical,” notes Matthew E. Croson, President of ASC. “While ASC serves as the industry’s voice, it is often the local voice that makes the strongest argument on any given piece of legislation or regulation, and the ASC Rapid Response Team will help the council ensure that the industry’s voice is heard. We’re pleased to note that we have 100 percent participation from the 128 member companies of ASC.”

The ASC Action Alert Center was launched in June 2013 and is a software-driven product that allows ASC to: share draft messaging with the Rapid Response Team; automatically determines which senator, representative or regulator to address the response to; and efficiently disseminate the letter with a simple click of a button.