Elastomeric roof coatings must show excellent adhesion to the substrate since they can be applied to several types of roofs such as metal, concrete, bitumen, and others. Fibrillated cellulose is a renewable material that delivers multiple functionalities such as rheology to stability and surface properties, as well as supporting a more sustainable lifecycle.
Research has shown that a thin cellulose film can inactivate the SARS-CoV-2 virus within minutes, inhibit the growth of bacteria including E.coli, and mitigate contact transfer of pathogens. The coating is invisible to the naked eye, and is abrasion resistant under dry conditions, making it suitable for use on high-traffic objects such as door handles and handrails.
AkzoNobel has appointed Krahn Chemie as its distribution partner for the construction industry in Benelux for the Bermocoll® cellulose ethers and Elotex® emulsion powders product groups.