MUNICH – WACKER POLYMERS is raising prices for vinyl acetate dispersions of the VINNAPAS® and VINNOL® brands, polyvinyl alcohol solutions with the brand name POLYVIOL®, and VINNAPAS solid resins in Europe, the Middle East and in Africa. Effective Feb. 1, 2021, prices for dispersions will be raised by up to €80 per metric tons, prices for polyvinyl alcohol solutions and solid resins up to €100 per metric tons, or as customer contracts allow. According to WACKER POLYMERS, this measure is necessitated by the increase in raw material market costs.

Dispersions of the VINNAPAS and VINNOL brand are applied in a broad variety of industries, ranging from adhesives, caulks, nonwovens, paints and coatings to paper, carpet and textiles. VINNAPAS solid resins are used as binders or additives in composites, adhesives, coatings, sound-damping sheets and other applications. POLYVIOL polyvinyl alcohol solutions are used as additives in paper coatings.