When selecting the ideal cargo tank coating system for marine operations, the choice can significantly impact your operational efficiency and costs. Singapore-based Norstar Ship Management (NSM) uses MarineLINE®, a high-performance coating solution offered by Advanced Polymer Coatings (APC). In addition to its extensive experience in the maritime industry, NSM has established itself as an expert in managing MarineLINE® coated ships for its valued customers. 

The Driving Force Behind Choosing MarineLINE

For Dr. Lars Gruenitz, Managing Director NSM, the overriding driver in considering this coating system was threefold. Gruenitz comments, "Firstly, MarineLINE® offers substantial cost savings compared to stainless steel tankers, reducing our CAPEX expenses. Secondly, the system's exceptional flexibility in accommodating a wide range of cargoes continues to make it an attractive choice. Lastly, it outshines other tank coating systems, such as epoxy or zinc, in terms of superior performance and longevity."

Careful Application Process Yields Long-Lasting Results

APC's commitment to providing comprehensive support throughout the project lifecycle played a crucial role in the customer’s decision-making process. Gruenitz states, "The availability of an experienced NACE Inspector and an exacting application guide provided by APC ensured that every step of the application process was meticulously executed."

While some may perceive this as an expense that could extend the application period, the experts at Norstar recognized the long-term benefits. The resulting focus was on obtaining a high-quality coating with the guidance of the NACE Inspector, ensuring proper heat curing, and adhering to rigorous surface preparation and environmental conditions. Furthermore, the ease of tank cleaning for the crew significantly reduced their workload, contributing to a smoother operational experience.

On-Site Satisfaction and Successful Application

The collaboration between Norstar's on-site teams and APC's inspection team proved to be a winning combination. By working hand-in-hand with the inspector and closely following the detailed application guide, Norstar's crew continues to apply the coating system successfully. This alignment between all parties fosters a seamless process and a high-quality outcome, enhancing the customer's confidence in the system.

Overcoming Potential Resistance from Yards

While application was predominantly smooth, Gruenitz acknowledged the importance of selecting experienced yards. "We avoid resistance by carefully choosing Turkish and Chinese yards with prior experience. This proactive approach to yard selection helps ensure a seamless application process and reinforces reliability.”

Selecting the right cargo tank coating system is crucial for optimizing marine operations and minimizing costs. From lowering CAPEX costs and accommodating diverse cargoes, to meticulous application processes and comprehensive support, the right coating system can ensure long-lasting, high-performance cargo tank coatings. APC’s coating system is a reliable solution that delivers efficiency, durability, and peace of mind for marine industry professionals worldwide.

*All images courtesy of APC.