WAGNER has introduced Flowsense, a new technology that can be added to their PXS powder centers. Flowsense is a smart system that uses digital intelligence to measure and control the amount of powder being used. This helps to ensure that the coating is applied evenly and consistently, while also reducing the amount of powder needed.


The system works by using sensors to monitor the powder flow for each individual gun. It then automatically adjusts the output to match the target values set by the user. This allows for more precise control over the coating process and helps to reduce waste. For instance, for a typical system covering 6,462,000 sq. ft. annually and a powder cost of $3.50/lb., reducing the average coating thickness by .2 mils (6 microns) could save approximately $42,570 per year.

In addition to its powder-saving benefits, Flowsense also offers an intuitive user interface and extended service part life. The system is operated through the powder center’s touchscreen and provides real-time feedback on the status of each collector nozzle.

WAGNER is also integrating Flowsense with their COATIFY platform, which provides users with real-time system knowledge and process control.

Learn more about Flowsense here. A video overview of Flowsense is available here and a video explanation of the COATIFY platform here.