CHEVY CHASE, Md. - RadTech-The Association for UV and EB Technology welcomes a new president and board members.Petra L’Abbe, PPG Industries, assumes the presidency for a two-year term.
New board members include Don Smith, Alcoa; Mike Kelly, Allied Photochemical; Kevin Joesel, Fusion UV; Lou Palermo, Lamberti; and John Whalen, Valspar. Returning for second terms are Tom Campbell, Campbell and Co.; Mike Dvorchak, Bayer; and Paul Mills, UV Powerhouse.
Mike Idacavage of Cytec is the new RadTech president-elect and will assume office in 2009. In addition, David Harbourne, Fusion UV and immediate past president of RadTech, has been named to a special board post as “International Liaison,” to help oversee RadTech activities in the rapid internationalization of the UV/EB industry and market.