ARLINGTON, VA – The American Chemistry Council (ACC) has announced the findings of a new study revealing that for every unit of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted by the chemical industry, society saves more than two units of GHGs through use of chemistry products and technologies. By 2030, the GHG savings-to-emissions ratio could increase to more than 4:1, provided further emissions reduction steps are taken by industry, policymakers and other stakeholders.
The study used a life-cycle carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions analysis to assess the global chemical industry’s impact on greenhouse gas emissions through the life cycle of chemical products and the applications they enable. Analyses were performed for over 100 individual chemical product applications. Emission savings were compared with all direct and indirect emissions linked to the chemical industry. Analyses spanned the major relevant products and sectors of the chemical industry and covered a representative portion of the emissions linked to the chemical industry. Finally, 2030 modeling scenarios were used to extrapolate how emissions for production and use phases may develop.
The study found that the most significant emissions savings by volume come from building insulation materials, agrochemicals, lighting, plastic packaging, marine antifouling coatings, synthetic textiles, automotive plastics, low-temperature detergents, engine efficiency and plastics used in piping.