MIDDLEBORO, MA - Brookfield Engineering, a leader in viscosity measurement and control, has announced that the company will put a hold on prices for the third consecutive year. For over 75 years, Brookfield has built a reputation for delivering high-quality instruments at reasonable prices.
With limited resources, manufacturers are looking for solutions that help their labs accomplish more with less, so Brookfield is keeping its instruments and accessories affordable by not raising prices.
Brookfield has also come up with other ways to help ease the strain. These include time-saving EZ-Lock™ options for connecting spindles, which are ideal for busy testing environments. Brookfield offers these upgrades to their DV-I Prime and DV-II+™Pro viscometers and DV-III Ultra™ rheometer.
Brookfield is committed to delivering maximum return on investment to customers. Visit www.brookfieldengineering.com for additional information.