NEW ORLEANS - Advanced Polymer Monitoring Technologies Inc.’s (APMT Inc.) automatic continuous online monitoring of polymer reactions (ACOMP) product for industrial-scale polymer production monitoring has been installed and is operating in a polymer facility since the fall of 2014.

Mike Drenski, APMT Inc.’s Chief Technical Officer said, “Our team has done an excellent job taking a laboratory technology and converting it into an automated industrial system. Our hard work paid off; our first deployment has achieved over 97 percent availability during the first 18 months after installation.”

ACOMP technology was developed through R&D and lab use over 17 years with over 50 peer-reviewed publications and a suite of patents from Professor Wayne F. Reed’s group at Tulane University’s Center for Polymer Reaction Monitoring and Characterization (PolyRMC). This marks the first time the technology has been used for industrial reactor monitoring and control.

APMT Inc. is actively expanding ACOMP’s technology to new chemistries where the value of continuously monitoring polymer properties real-time during production can improve cost, improve polymer product quality and decrease the environmental footprint of polymer production. “Now that we have demonstrated reliable industrial-scale operation, we are actively engaged with several manufacturers assessing new, high-value applications for the technology,” said Alex Reed, APMT Inc.'s Chief Executive Officer.