LAS VEGAS - Michael Molnar, Chief Manufacturing Officer for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) at the U.S. Department of Commerce, delivered his first public address in this new position at the inaugural Interactive Manufacturing Experience (imX) industry summit in Las Vegas. Molnar spoke about the U.S. Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP) and the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia (AMTech) launched recently by President Barack Obama. Molnar’s new position makes him the NIST’s central point of contact with the White House, the Department of Commerce and other agencies on technical and policy issues related to manufacturing.

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership “brings industry, universities and the federal government together to invest in emerging technologies” and demonstrates the President’s commitment to “building domestic manufacturing capabilities to create the new products, new industries and new jobs of the future.”

In its first year, imX drew thousands of industry decision makers from across the country. The mission of imX is to enable these leaders to work together to chart a course for the future of an industry that is vital to the American economy.

“A healthy domestic manufacturing industry is vital to our nation’s economic recovery,” said Peter Borden, President of imX partner the American Machine Tool Distributors’ Association. “Our leaders in Washington know it, and the industry knows it. At imX, we’re coming together to determine how to work collaboratively to strengthen a manufacturing base that will continue creating jobs for American workers and provide a solid foundation for sustained economic growth.”

Event organizers already are planning the next imX national manufacturing summit for 2013. More information is available