Curing of UV wood coatings using Phoseon's SLM™
UV-curing technology has significant process and environmental advantages.
Curing of UV wood coatings using Phoseon's SLM™
UV-curing technology based on UV-LED and coatings technology from Tikkurila Coatings
Oy has significant process and environmental advantages.
LIGNA is the world's leading trade exhibition for the wood products industry,
and the 2009 event was held in Hannover, Germany. The LIGNA exhibit and the
associated new technology symposium focused on "making more out of wood – technology for resource efficiency"
and many of the exhibitors and presenters focused on resource efficiency
Robert Bürkle GmbH of Germany showed it's UV-LED drying demonstration, which
was produced in cooperation with the industrial coatings group of Tikkurila Oy
of Finland and Phoseon Technology on the use of UV-LED drying technology for
the curing of basecoats and topcoats onto roller-coated wood components such as
doors and furniture pieces.
The UV-LED drying solution was awarded two certificates – one was a special
award for best demonstration of "resource efficiency" and the other
was a second–place award for "outstanding new technology".
The UV-LED drying technology is designed using Phoseon's Semiconductor Light
Matrix (SLM™) technology, which combines a dense array of light-emitting
semiconductor devices (UV-LED), with high-tech micro optics and micro cooling
in a cost-effective MOEMS (micro opto electro-mechanical system) package. SLM™
Technology offers important advantages to the coatings market, including
significantly reduced energy consumption, very low amounts of heat at the work
surface, and very long lifetimes. These advantages, and others, are all
available at comparable cost of ownership to existing solutions.
In addition to a line of standard UV-LED-based curing products, Phoseon also
offers a wide variety of custom OEM or private-label solutions based on
specific project requirements. Phoseon can customize their products into a wide
range of shapes and sizes to accommodate diverse UV curing applications.