According to Scott Edris, Senior Director of Global Marketing, Performance & Agricultural Chemicals, SunCare TopCoat is the result of an initiative at ISP to create new technology for manufacturers of wood care products and is a perfect example of the company’s broadening product portfolio for the coatings industry at large. “In the last few years, ISP has set its sights on broadening and improving coatings technology for customers. While additives have always been a part of our portfolio, we have expanded the ways we can help coatings manufacturers improve their products by adding a full range of biocides, new acrylates chemistry and technically sophisticated products like SunCare TopCoat,” he said. “While we see SunCare TopCoat as being most attractive to companies that make wood coating and wood protection products, we feel this technology will be attractive to a broad range of coatings manufacturers who want to ensure long-term product integrity against the potential damage of UV radiation on anything they make. The efficiency and economics available with SunCare TopCoat can help make this happen,” he said.

Patent Pending, Advanced Technology for Water-Based Systems
SunCare TopCoat is a stabilized combination of UV-absorbers and Hindered Amine Light Stabilizers (HALS) – offering double action for maximum effectiveness. The patent pending microemulsion technology represented in SunCare TopCoat is responsible for most of its advanced properties, including excellent binder and dry film protection across a very broad spectrum of UV radiation. SunCare TopCoat's performance, however, stands out in the UVA range. Figure 1 shows the difference between a traditional water-based UV-protection additive and SunCare TopCoat.The high level of performance of SunCare TopCoat allows lower use levels – offering economic efficiency and a lower environmental profile. SunCare TopCoat is VOC and surfactant-free. ISP conducted tests with SunCare TopCoat that show it works synergistically with other products within ISP’s wood care technology line – specifically SunCare UV and SunCare 800. Both of these products are lignin stabilizers that prevent degradation of wood in primer formulations. Tests using both primers and topcoats featuring SunCare products have shown exceptional performance in the field.
According to Edris, wood care technology from ISP is created to improve performance and durability, ease formulation challenges, and deliver on the promise of value. “With a rise in the performance parameters of our additives, ISP has a great deal of exciting, advanced solutions for the wood coatings producer,” he said.
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