The 2004-2005 award winners were: Stephen Walters, Acme Finishing, and Bruce Bryan, Industrial Paint & Powder, of the Northern Illinois Chapter; Tom Gebben, GLW Finishing LLC, and Rodger Talbert, R. Talbert Consulting, of the West Michigan Chapter; Scott Peterson, Atlas Manufacturing, and Pat Cullen, Cullen Equipment Co., of the Twin Cities Chapter; Jason Nelssen, Sunflower Manufacturing, and Sherrill Stoenner, Pneu-Mech Systems Mfg., of the Central States Chapter; Dennis Zak, Via Systems, and Fred Wells, Hentzen Coatings Inc., of the Wisconsin Chapter; and Michael Richards, MRC, of the Northern Ohio Chapter.
CCAI also honored its 25-year members with recognition plaques during the annual awards luncheon. These members include: Rick Achterhof, Diamond Vogel Paints: Brad M. Andreae, Therma-Tron-X; Ron Ascenzo, Chemetall Oakite; Michael Gallagher, Therma-Tron-X; Craig Johnson, IVC Industrial Coatings; Lawrence Melgary, Northern Coatings and Chemicals; Bob New, retired from Broan Mfg.; Joseph Pemberton, Coral Chemical Co.; Daniel Riviers, Bemis Manufacturing Co.; Robert Warren, Nalco; and John Zieche, River Valley Coatings.

National Board and Officers
CCAI has installed the following individuals to serve on the national board of directors for the 2005-2006 term: president - Jeff Watson, R3 Technologies, Texas Chapter; vice president - John Sudges, Midwest Finishing Systems, Northern Illinois Chapter; secretary/ treasurer - Michael Richards, MRCO, Northern Ohio Chapter; and recent past president - Jerry Trostle, Wagner Systems, Unaffliated.In addition to the officers, serving on the national board of directors for the 2005-2006 programming year will be: Bruce Bryan, Industrial Paint & Powder magazine, Northern Illinois Chapter; George Bryant, Briggs and Stratton Corp., and Jim Gallagher, PTI, Wisconsin Chapter; Ronald Cudzilo, George Koch Sons LLC, and Sherrill Stoenner, Pneu Mech Systems Mfg., Central States Chapter; Jim Docken, Fremont Industries Inc., and Scott Peterson, Atlas Mfg., Twin Cities Chapter; Steve Houston, DuPont Powder Coatings, Texas Chapter; James Malloy, Kolene Corp., unaffliated; John Reseland, Nalco, unaffiliated; Rodger Talbert, R. Talbert Consulting, and Robert Warren, Nalco, West Michigan Chapter; and serving as an ex-officio board member is Larry Melgary, Northern Coatings & Chemicals, Wisconsin Chapter.
CCAI also recognizes long-time board member Dave Wright of the Wisconsin Chapter for his years of dedication to both the CCAI National Board of Directors and his local chapter. CCAI President Jeff Watson awarded Wright the CCAI's President's Award for his exceptional service to CCAI.
The following individuals were appointed and accepted the positions of Committee Chairman for the 2005-2006 programming year: Custom Coaters, Jim Docken; Policy, Bob Warren; Nominating, Jerry Trostle; Education, Rodger Talbert; Membership, John Sudges and Ron Cudzilo; Public Relations and Marketing, Bruce Bryan; and Coating 2005 Liaison, Rodger Talbert.
CCAI is a non-profit technical and professional association that provides information and education on surface coating technologies worldwide. Visit CCAI on the web at www.ccaiweb.com.