Continuous Coating, Inc., a coil coater and electroplater based near Los Angeles, CA, has reduced its energy demand by installing energy efficiency projects that save over one million kWh on an annual basis. This environmental leadership as has qualified Continuous Coating, Inc. to participate in the Cool Planet Project.
The Cool Planet Project is a combination of the California Climate Action Registry program with the Southern California Edison energy efficiency programs that creates an incentive program for large industrial customers to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions through the installation of energy efficiency projects. It is the first of its kind in the utility sector.
The benefits Continuous Coating, Inc., will receive as a result of participating in the Cool Planet Project include: one year paid membership dues to the California Climate Action Registry, which will enable the tracking of greenhouse gas emissions and reductions; financial incentives from Southern California Edison related to the installation costs of its energy efficiency projects; a percentage of the third party verification costs associated with California Registry membership; education on climate change policy and greenhouse gas emissions management; and marketing assistance.
Continuous Coating, Inc. installed energy efficiency projects which included switching out plating tanks for more energy efficient models and a water recycling system. In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the reduced kilowatt hour usage has yielded sizable monthly savings on energy bills.
"Our company motto is 'prevent pollution before it is produced.' The Cool Planet Project is an excellent project that helps us drive that message home," said Grace Meda, environmental manager for Continuous Coating, Inc.
For more information about the Cool Planet Project,