AKRON, OH/COLUMBUS, OH - Molecular nanotechnology company Zyvex Technologies, Columbus, OH, and NanoFusing LLC, a subsidiary of APV Engineered Coatings, Akron, OH, have announced a partnership to provide nano-enhanced concentrates and products to infrastructure markets and OEM industries.

Leveraging the nanotechnology scientific resources of Zyvex and the manufacturing and nanotube dispersing expertise of NanoFusing LLC, the companies will produce custom carbon-nanotube-enhanced concentrates.

"Nanotechnology advances from our scientists have already improved a wide range of products, from baseball bats to boats and bridges," said Lance Criscuolo, President of Zyvex Technologies. "After leading the way with a decade of research and development and now in partnership with NanoFusing LLC, we're looking forward to improving the performance of products across an even greater list of commercial and industrial applications, from better tires to tougher pipeline coatings," said Criscuolo.

APV has been an innovator of high-performance coating formulations and processing technologies since its founding in 1878. Known in the early 20th century for its Japanning Enamel, APV provided this black paint to the Ford Motor Co. for the Model T. Since then, APV has formulated advanced custom coatings that serve a variety of industries. Developments include an emphasis on architectural and industrial applications such as a reflective roof coating, engineered to provide 20 years of energy savings for a structure, and water-based tire tread striping inks that contain zero VOCs, which significantly reduce emissions in tire production plants. The official partnership between NanoFusing LLC and Zyvex leverages a history between the companies since Zyvex relocated to Ohio in 2008. The companies have already invested considerable engineering and processing development to manufacture the Zyvex carbon-nanotube-enhanced adhesive Epovex, which is used in automotive applications.

The first application for this partnership is expected to be with a large automotive supplier that produces various engine and drive-train components for many commercial-vehicle manufacturers. Nano-enhanced coatings are expected to be used to make tougher, more fuel-efficient semi-trucks and reliable engines.

NanoFusing™, NanoFusing LLC's proprietary CNT dispersing process, homogenously disperses carbon nanotubes into liquid resins and materials (host matrix) safely. The unique Kentera technology from Zyvex creates chemical bonds on carbon nanotubes, which allow them to connect to the host matrix creating a sustained and stable bond between the molecules and materials.

"This unique process allows us to create not only stronger materials, but also to take advantage of the inherent electrical properties of carbon nanotubes in ways that were previously impossible," said Dr. Nagesh Potluri, Chief Scientist at Zyvex Technologies.