Applied Optix has released EYE Super UV Tester for exposure testing. The tester uses a proprietary high-output UV lamp that generates ultraviolet light very efficiently. Its UV-irradiation intensity is 30 or more times greater than that of sunlight and conventional weatherometers. For even greater solar correlation, UV radiation below 295 nm is removed from the light source by a custom filter. Removing this radiation below 295 nm – that in natural sunlight does not reach earth – produces an acceleration in deterioration that more closely resembles outdoor exposure. There is no risk that light of a wavelength not present in sunlight will bias the test results.

The tester can be used in automotive materials, building and construction, paint and coatings, plastics and polymers, and composites applications. As a screening tool, the tester can generate five years of UV exposure in 10 days, which would both save money on R&D, and cut time to market for new products.

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