The international building information modeling or BIM market size was recently valued at $5.71 billion and is on track to reach a valuation of $11.96 billion in 2027.

BIM is clearly here to stay and is revolutionizing the way professionals in many aspects of the building industry do their jobs - including those involved in industrial coating.

BIM's Role in Coating Material Selection

Building information modeling software provides a simple file that stores every attribute of a building project. Everyone has access to this file and can share or make changes as needed.

BIM can contribute to numerous aspects of building, including coating material selection. A building’s coating doesn’t just make it look nice. For example, some coatings are designed to improve indoor air quality by removing chemicals like formaldehyde from the air. Others offer fire protection.

BIM plays a critical role in building design and contributes to the health, safety, and wellbeing of those who occupy it, as well as environmental impact.

With the help of BIM, it’s easier for professionals to experiment with different coating materials (without actually taking the time to apply them directly) and identify the best fit for a particular project. Other team members get to weigh in on the decision, too, and explain how a particular coating material might be beneficial (or not).

The Key Benefits of BIM in the Coating Process

Incorporating BIM into the coating process offers numerous benefits for both clients and contractors. The following are some of the most noteworthy advantages of utilizing this technology.

Improves Planning

Building information modeling software makes it easier for contractors – including those responsible for selecting and applying coating materials – to plan and make informed decisions about the specific materials they’ll use, when and how they’ll apply them, etc.

BIM also allows these people to communicate with other workers, and work together to create schedules and workflows that work for everyone involved.

Saves Time

When the planning process becomes simpler, it also becomes more efficient. Many construction and manufacturing professionals find that when they start including BIM in their workflows and processes, they can make progress and achieve their objectives more quickly.

Keeps Clients in the Loop

In addition to improving communication between contractors, BIM software can also make communication between clients clearer and more effective. Regarding coatings, for example, those involved in selecting and applying coating materials can communicate their decisions to the client, share information saved to the BIM software to explain their decisions, and make sure everyone is on the same page. 

Improves Building Quality

Better planning leads to better outcomes. More careful planning and materials selection during the early stages (which BIM can help with) will almost certainly lead to a more precisely built structure that aligns with the client’s needs and vision.

The Model is Valuable for Future Projects

Along with helping with decision-making for the current project, the model created using BIM software can also simplify decision-making during future projects. The client will retain all the information stored in the building model’s file, and they can reference it when planning changes years or decades later.

Training and Skill Development in BIM for Coating Professionals

One of the most common reasons why a coating professional might be resistant to the idea of using BIM technology is that they don’t understand how the software works or how to incorporate it into their workflows.

The following are some examples of skills that coating professionals can develop to become comfortable with BIM and start including it in the coating process.

Technical Knowledge

A learning curve does come with adopting and using BIM technology. Standard software navigation skills will come in handy when getting used to this tool and incorporating it into everyday workflows. The same goes for data analysis, 3D modeling, and cloud collaboration skills.

Presentation Skills

A critical component of using BIM in the coating process is presenting your decisions and their implications to your colleagues. You may have to explain why you’ve chosen a particular coating for example, and present its unique benefits. The more skilled you are at delivering presentations and speaking in front of others, the easier it will be to convince them to back your choice.

Communication Skills

Along with public speaking skills, other communication skills will also be valuable when implementing BIM software into your coating process. Being able to explain your points clearly and concisely will go a long way toward helping you build relationships with other team members and clients.

Problem-Solving Skills

Problems arise during just about every construction or manufacturing project. Some are minor, and others have the potential to change the project’s entire trajectory. Good problem-solving skills will help you utilize BIM correctly to navigate specific issues and make a plan to resolve them as quickly as possible.

Future Trends in BIM and Coating Technology

Even if you haven’t noticed a demand currently for BIM utilization in the coating process, you will likely experience it in the future. BIM isn’t going anywhere. 

Here are some BIM trends that are going to be more popular in the coming years:

  • Artificial intelligence integration: AI can automate repetitive tasks, offer data analysis insights, and contribute to increased accuracy and efficiency.
  • Modular construction: Modular construction has become more popular in the last several years, and BIM can help to speed up and enhance the modular construction process (including processes related to selecting the proper coating materials).
  • Emphasis on data-driven decision-making: BIM software collects extensive data, and professionals will rely on that data more heavily in the future to make wise decisions that benefit them, the client, and the project as a whole.

Building information modeling is making the coating process more efficient and is improving communication between workers and clients.

In the future, this software will become more prominent in the coatings sector, as well as other parts of the construction industry. Start developing the BIM skills outlined above so you can get ahead of the curve.