Today’s coatings market expects more from its white pigments than brightness and opacity. White pigments, such as titanium dioxide (TiO2), barium sulfate (BaSO4) and zinc sulphide, are just examples of many ingredients possible in a complex coatings formulation.
ASTM International has a new initiative, Program Operator for Product Category Rules (PCRs) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), which will provide a platform for developing PCRs and verifying EPDs.
HP Latex Inks and HP A50 Inkjet Web Press Inks are the first water-based inkjet inks to achieve the Sustainable Product Certification from UL Environment, a business unit of Underwriters Laboratories (UL).
The rising demand for biofuels will spur the market for bio-based epichlorohydrin (ECH) and biomethanol, the fastest-growing segments of the bio-based chemicals industry, according to The World Market for Bio-Based Chemicals, 2nd Edition, a research report from energy publisher SBI.