The PCI Blog is written by our team of editors, as well as industry contributors, and includes thought provoking opinions, trends, and essential paint and coatings industry information.
Technology has revolutionized manufacturing safety to combat injuries and illness by developing smart personal protective equipment (PPE) that integrates protective features into onsite gears. In this Industry Insights blog, learn what PPE entails, the common issues that manufacturing industries face, and how using smart PPE can help alleviate these issues.
Accent colors can make a home more alluring and provide a great way to enhance the character and sense of fun in a space – as adding even a little bit of liveliness makes a huge difference. Behr Paint Company presents their top 12 accent colors to brighten and enhance your clients’ living spaces.
A well-configured computerized maintenance management system that is engineered to streamline maintenance activities from start to finish makes it much easier to achieve maintenance goals with speed, accuracy, and efficiency.
Based on a DBS Interactive study that audited several hundred manufacturer websites using Google’s Lighthouse tool, the vast majority of websites for B2B manufacturing companies don’t meet the latest best practice criteria for technical performance and user experience.
Sustainability is about continuous improvement. The sustainability ABCs of energy-curable technology are impactful and, most importantly, quantifiable.
Measuring the effectiveness of corrosion coatings is achievable. These coatings protect the substrate from stains and scratches and make them easier to clean, but how is that measured, and against what benchmark?
Virtual reality, augmented reality, AI, robots and digitalization are some of the technological advances being used to help improve health and safety in the manufacturing industry.
pH Measurement is very common in industrial processes, plating, wastewater treatment, and environmental monitoring. Using a data logger to record pH provides information on long-term trends and the impact of various factors along with providing information for quality control, compliance reporting, and alarming. However, to capture accurate measurements there are three important considerations that can directly affect measurement accuracy.
With the goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, businesses across the United States have started to identify ways to improve and remove carbon emissions for a successful de-carbonization transformation. In this article, eight ways to use the right technology and machinery are explored and identified.
The health and safety of workers are among the top priorities for HR and plant managers. While the intent and purpose of focusing on safety are undeniable, it can pose a challenge for manufacturing and production services. Read five tips to ensure OSHA standards are being implemented and applied to your production floor.
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