It all begins and ends with a clean hull. Bio-fouling management is a key to a cleaner shipping industry, however, bio-fouling increases fuel use and slows ships. High-quality anti-fouling coatings, as well as proactive monitoring and cleaning, can address decarbonization, protect bio-diversity, and save fuel.
The first three articles in this series of four illuminated the new product development challenge and discussed the first four keys to sustained innovation success. This article describes the final two keys and then provides a reminder of how they all work together to drive predictable, sustained success in new product development.
There are opportunities to create and uncover value in sales, margin, throughput and cost, leveraging new business models in emerging markets, commercial and operational efficiencies including new distributed manufacturing methods, supply chain optimization, application methods and equipment and coating services.
AkzoNobel is launching an innovation challenge called Paint the Future. The challenge is an open invitation to start-ups and scale-ups to collaborate with AkzoNobel on new ideas to drive innovative solutions for customers.